Monday, February 28, 2011

BlueOK Takes Fallin to Task for being Dim Bulb

Ala BlueOklahoma
Last April, in the throes of her gubernatorial campaign, Gov. Mary Fallin made her opposition to the new health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, a major part of her campaign.
In a press release, Fallin said then:
While Brad Henry sits on the sidelines, Drew Edmondson has now refused to join 19 other states in the bipartisan legal challenge to ObamaCare. His lack of leadership has actually forced the Oklahoma Legislature to hire an outside law firm to represent our state in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill.

Once governor, Fallin didn't hesitate to bring legal action against "ObamaCare." As she told a television interviewer in January:
The new federal health care bill is actually in violation of Oklahoma's constitution because Oklahoma's constitution now has an amendment through the health care freedom amendment that says that no law, no rule shall force Oklahomans, whether it's Oklahomans, businesses or health care providers, to join into a health care system, and that's in direct violation of the Oklahoma constitution. So we're going to challenge it on our own merits as Oklahoma.

Well we all know what happened yesterday don't we?  

That's right... good old Mary took a big bailout from the feds to pay for the health care service that she said was unfunded.  So now that it's funded... it isn't clear if she'll be continuing the lawsuit.  Or what's up with that....  

Thing about Mary.... she use to say that she focused like a laser on these issues but it's kinda hard to do that when you're a dim bulb.  Just sayin....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fallin Takes Health care Grant While Suing Feds for Health Care

So... Fallin is taking money from the federal government - which she pledge to fight as Governor - for health care - which she opposes - while suing the federal government for "unfair federal mandates" put in place by the HCR bill.  

Ala NewsOK:

Oklahoma will accept a $54.6 million federal grant to develop the information technology infrastructure to operate a health exchange even though the state has filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s health care law which authorized it, Gov. Mary Fallin said Friday. 
Fallin decided to accept the money after she worked with state agencies to ensure no unworkable federal mandates were included, according to a statement from the governor’s office. 
“After thoroughly reviewing the ‘early innovator’ grant, I am happy to say that the federal assistance we are being offered is consistent with our mission to design and implement an Oklahoma-based health insurance exchange,” Fallin said.

Just a reminder about what Mary said July 2009:

Let me refresh you "Mr. Speaker... I can only see major tax increases on families and businesses..."

Oh what a difference an election makes.  This is Mary today:
“That exchange will empower consumers and help individuals and small businesses to shop for and enroll in affordable, quality health insurance plans. This is a step in the right direction for Oklahoma and its citizens.” 
Oklahoma received notice earlier this month it was awarded the grant. 
Exchanges are state-regulated plans in which small businesses and individuals are to pool money to buy health insurance. 
The exchanges would offer the same kind of purchasing power that employees of big companies already benefit from.
NewsOK says that these "exchanges are a part of the federal health care law proposed by Democratic President Barack Obama and approved last year by a Democratic Congress."

Let me refresh you what Mary says about the new federal health care law proposed by Democratic President Barack Obama and approved last year by a Democratic Congress and against by then Rep. Mary Fallin.  She makes it easy - it's right on her website

"Unfortunately, Washington appears headed in the wrong direction. The Obama administrations's plan, specifically its inclusion of a public health care option, would be ripe with unintended consequences. . . 
Ultimately, the president’s plan is going to give us less for more: reduced quality at a higher price."
And here's what her website says under "issues" and "health care"
"One thing we won’t see, however, is socialized medicine. I’ve worked in Congress to fight “Obamacare” – an expensive, government-run health care plan that will deteriorate the quality of our medical services – and I’ll continue that fight as governor."
She's going to continue to fight that as governor by accepting a massive government grant.

One thing is for certain... she's consistent in her inconsistency.  I was really starting to think I couldn't be surprised anymore...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mary Fallin Brags about Tax Cuts While Oklahoma is Bankrupt

Stay classy Mary.  Seems this kind of reckless Washington Spending didn't stop with your Congressional days and has now made it all the way back to our great state.  Mmmm that tasty $500 million budget short fall is best served with a little tax cut for the rich on the side.

“Change is hard at times, but hopefully they’ll all be able to come to the table and work something out,” she added.
Mary Fallin ran on a campaign of hope and change in Oklahoma.  We were too fiscally responsible before.  We didn't spend enough the way the TARP bailout did!  We need to be more like Washington not less.  More bailouts for everyone!  We'll just call them "tax cuts" instead... or "business incentives."

Gov Mary Fallin Spends Tax Payer Money to Talk About Her Reckless Fiscal Spending

Gov. Mary Fallin is headed to Washington to chill with the President again and talk to her peers - other GOP Gov’s about her amazing success in spending and spending and spending all of Oklahoma’s money while not providing anything to her people.
Via News OK:
“Gov. Mary Fallin will be telling her peers this weekend about her efforts to reduce a $500 million budget shortfall by agency cuts and consolidations and making the state more efficient by sharing services… . .”
Several lines below that
“She said she will boast that Oklahoma officials this week voted to cut the state’s top personal income tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.25 percent at a time other states are raising taxes.
She has proposed a number of cuts and cost-saving measures to deal with having $500 million less to spend in the $6.2 billion budget for the 2012 fiscal year, which begins July 1… .”
This reminds me a lot of spreading the wealth around only… she’s robbing from the not so rich to give to her buddies the CEO’s.  Go Mary Go!

No word yet on how much this trip to DC will cost the tax payers to fly her, her security detail, her husband, or Coffee to DC and put them up.  It’s unclear if this “fiscal responsibility” will be paid for by you and me or if it will come out of her recruiting businesses to come to Oklahoma fund.

Mary Fallin's Enemies: Sidewalks and Americans with Disabilities

Posted on OKTalk Board back in 2006 but thought we'd repost it here as a reminder.  Really?  Disable people?  Pfff.. they don't vote anyway...

Both sides always have time to push their fringe's ideas, in spite of more important things, it would seem.

Biggest irony: the fact that our governor apparently wants to keep taking money out of the federal back pocket for roads, but doesn't want to actually have to answer to them about how she should build those roads.

I know when I look at OKC one thing I say to myself is that we have way too damn many sidewalks around here.

OKLAHOMA CITY—Oklahoma could dramatically increase the speed and efficiency of road and bridge projects across the state if not for cumbersome federal regulations like those that require environmental impact statements, Republican Gov. Mary Fallin and her transportation secretary told a panel of federal lawmakers Thursday.
Full Story:

Mary Fallin Opposes Big Government By Asking for Federal Bailout

Remember that one time we opposed the federal government because we needed them out of our lives?  Well Governor Mary Fallin was testifying to her flock just the other day that
“The backlog of transportation needs in Oklahoma is large and requires a consistent, long-term federal investment strategy,” Fallin told the committee in a meeting at the Oklahoma City Community College.
Gee maybe you weren’t giving hand outs to rich people we could afford to fix our own damn problems instead of relying on the federal government to come bail us out.

Another FallinFail: Tulsa World - Budget Hole Doesn't Prevent Income Tax Rate Cut

I think this title should be changed to Budget Hoe Doesn’t Prevent Income Tax Rate Cut… but that’s just me.
Told you so…. (emphasis below is mine)
“Gov. Mary Fallin, whose budget calls for agency cuts of up to 5 percent in fiscal 2012, argues that reduction of the tax rate yet again is a logical extension of the message taxpayers sent in the November election. She claims that the mandated reduction will stimulate the economy and make the state more business friendly and more competitive with other states. Will this income tax cut do something that the previous ones haven’t?

Come on.

Are businesses seriously going to look at this state and say, “Oklahoma, what an economic Garden of Eden?” and overlook the fact that the quality of life here is eroding by the day?

Oklahoma’s state services are woefully underfunded. The education system is being starved. Roads and infrastructure are mediocre and in many cases are crumbling. The health and welfare of Oklahoma’s citizens don’t appear to be a high priority for those holding the purse strings.
But, hey, never mind all that, the fatter cats get this great reduced tax rate of 5.25 percent. “
See… It’s what I’ve been saying.  The most important part of this piece is:
“The state has suffered enormous revenue losses and gone through a series of tax cuts over the past several years. It’s also gone through some staggering cutbacks in state services, and faces a yawning budget hole of at least $500 million in the next fiscal year.”
Dr Phil would say “If you always do what you’ve always done… you’ll always be where you always are….”  If the state has consistently cut taxes… and cut services and spending for things like education, roads, and other such things fall asunder our question must then be - at what point do you finally think about changing course?  Honestly, does Governor Fallin intend to run the state into the ground before she finally admits that her republican “Cut and Spend” policy is not only reckless and irresponsible failing to make Oklahoma the bastion of business that everyone claims it will be?

FallinFail Tip:  Cut and Spend doesn’t work.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Massive OK Budget Shortfall Triggers Tax Cuts

Nothing says “We have no money” like a good old fashioned tax cut!
Seems the great state of Oklahoma has a trigger for some income tax cuts for FY 2012.
A state board approved cutting the state’s income tax rate Tuesday after approving healthier tax collection estimates for the upcoming fiscal year.

The action reduces the state’s top individual income tax rate from 5.5 percent to 5.25. The lower rate takes effect Jan. 1.

Wow - what a genius idea!!  When we don’t have any money, and we’re cutting jobs and services by 3-5% statewide the best way to combat this $500 million short fall is to…. wait for it….. cut taxes.  This is exactly how we should solve our problems. 
Golly gee - I’m sure glad we elected someone as smart as Mary Fallin.  She sure is brilliant.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Step in Oklahoma School Consolidation Plan

School Consolidation with Administration is a new bill that has been approved by the House Budget Committee.  Financial incentives will be given to districts that “share” their Supers.  Which means school boards that don’t have the money to pay them or need to allocate the resources elsewhere will be forced to fire them and “share” a Super with a nearby district.  It’s not an incentive - its force with the power of the state dollar.

Forced school consolidation begins with administration.  When a Superintendent is 30 minutes to an hour away from a school district - that district suffers.  These Supers are already strapped with responsibilities and resources that will be allocated to the districts that are larger or closer to where they’re located.  The results become principals, teachers, parents, and kids in districts nearer are in a better position to be more vocal about what they need for their schools.  This puts more rural schools at a disadvantage.

Rural schools that have a disadvantage at the local level then develop a disadvantage at the state level.  Ultimately, the state begins to believe that these rural schools would just be better off if they could be closer to their administration and it’ll save money in the long run anyway … this turns into school consolidation.  When schools leave a town the town dies.  Businesses fail, families have to move closer to the cities where they’re jobs are, local farmers and ranchers have to drive further away to get supplies, hospitals in the area aren’t able to support themselves because people are moving away and it goes on and on.

We’re already going to hurt rural areas with redistricting which will force more rural legislators out and incorporate more suburban legislators, will we now force our children and families out of rural Oklahoma by killing our school systems too?

Watch closely how the next 4 years will be the slow and painful death of Rural Oklahoma.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ethics? HA! We don't need no stinkin ethics! Part Deux

There’s no ethics in the Oklahoma Republican Government… try searching the public statements at the ethics site… and you get nothing.  A sad day for transparency… a sad sad day.

There’s no ethics in the Oklahoma Republican Government… try searching the public statements at the ethics site… and you get nothing.  A sad day for transparency… a sad sad day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fallin to Cut Lt. Gov Position for Budget Reasons

Thank you!  Good Bye!Since Fallin’s election there has been a rumbling among Republicans that Gov. Mary would be a one term Governor.  Not because there’s some magic Democrat that is going to come along and take her out - but the hope is that there could be a …. how should we say…. more intellectually equip leader at the helm.  Some suspect that Republican is Lt. Governor Todd Lamb.

Attractive, ambitious, well connected, not plagued with the the family… er… um.. problems, plus he has number 21 on the list of Top 25 Young Politicos to Watch right there as the number 2 in his office.  I mean - that usually spells careerism, right?

Instead, Jolley and Fallin are working on legislation to change the role of Lieutenant Governor from “if for any reason she cannot fulfill her role as Governor” to more of a ceremonial position.  You would think since Fallin used that office to launch her political career not to mention increase her dating pool that she would have some loyalty to it.  But no.
An “acting” governor would be able to sign legislation, order the National Guard and declare an emergency, Jolley explained.

He said this makes no sense today when the governor has access to cell phones, the Internet and other sophisticated communication.
Realistically, we don’t need a Lt. Governor position because of cell phones.  Fallin could totally do both at once with a job in each hand.  She’s that multifaceted! How much of the budget is allocated for staff and operations for the Lt. Governor’s office?  At least a million bucks right?  Hell… we could lease that space out to a lobbying firm or maybe Bobby Stem and even MAKE money to help ballance the budget.

Not to mention you stop Lamb from being a viable challenger from the conservative Oklahoma republicans.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mary Fallin Continues to have no plan for Immigration Reform

In Governor Fallin’s State of the State address much was discussed.  Budget, spending, values, education, public safety, and on and on and on.  One thing was missing, however.  No mention of how to stop illegal immigration in the state.  No mention at all of the unbelievable number of illegals costing our state billions in tax-payer funded hand outs.

Remember that one time Fallin’s own Republican Governors Association ran that ad attacking her opponent on illegal immigration?  What’s worse, I’m just curious.  Creating a sensible immigration policy similar to President Bush’s for the state of Oklahoma or… doing nothing?  How’s that working out for all you republicans?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gov. Mary Fallin to Propose Cuts; Backdoor Spending

Cuts for us - spending for her.
MIDWEST CITY, Okla. (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin said Friday a proposed state budget she will present to legislators next week will include budget cuts for every state agency.
At the same time a fund will be set up that Fallin or Lt. Governor Todd Lamb could use to woo businesses to Oklahoma.  This same fund was declared unconstitutional by the State Supreme Court to the previous Governor Brad Henry but Governor Mary Fallin doesn’t care she wants her money to play with!  And boy howdy she better get it otherwise Oklahoma will fall apart!  We need to be able to buy businesses stake dinners and hookers so they’ll relocate here.  Maybe if we also passed Right to Work businesses would come here too.  Oh…. wait….. how’d that work out again?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oklahoma is a Disaster thanks to Gov. Mary Fallin

The Federal Government, that Mary Fallin has pledge to fight, has declared our state to be a disaster area.  We can now accept lots and lots of money from Obama in all 77 counties that voted against him and his ugly liberal policies like disaster relief.  Oklahoma voters will take this money and vote against him again November 2012 because they want this big intrusive government out of their lives.
Thank you Obama for this icky government hand out - we’ll take it just this once because Oklahoman’s don’t believe in government cash unless it comes in the form of farm subsidies, medicare, social security, unemployment, or disaster relief.  So, you better not be pushing your big federal mandates on us ever again.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gov. Mary Fallin Stands up to Obama By Asking for Money

OBAMA SUCKS!  Down with the federal government!  They are too involved in our lives and they need a strong governor who will stand up to them and tell them how it’s going to be.  HA!  Take THAT!  That’s why we elected Mary Fallin because
“I think voters want a governor who sees the world like they do and who will stand up to Washington. I am ready to be that governor.”
 ”I am the only candidate in this race who is fundamentally conservative and who is willing and able to stand up to the Obama Administration…”
Oh… wait…. before we do that could we maybe have some money, please?  Thanks!  That’s so nice of you… NOW GO TO HELL!!!
“OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin is asking the White House for an emergency disaster declaration for Oklahoma in the wake of a massive winter storm that dumped up to 20 inches of snow, ice and sleet on the state.

Fallin said Wednesday that she is asking for the disaster declaration for all 77 Oklahoma counties.”
Yeah, so maybe that evil federal government isn’t so bad after all, huh?