Monday, February 28, 2011

BlueOK Takes Fallin to Task for being Dim Bulb

Ala BlueOklahoma
Last April, in the throes of her gubernatorial campaign, Gov. Mary Fallin made her opposition to the new health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, a major part of her campaign.
In a press release, Fallin said then:
While Brad Henry sits on the sidelines, Drew Edmondson has now refused to join 19 other states in the bipartisan legal challenge to ObamaCare. His lack of leadership has actually forced the Oklahoma Legislature to hire an outside law firm to represent our state in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill.

Once governor, Fallin didn't hesitate to bring legal action against "ObamaCare." As she told a television interviewer in January:
The new federal health care bill is actually in violation of Oklahoma's constitution because Oklahoma's constitution now has an amendment through the health care freedom amendment that says that no law, no rule shall force Oklahomans, whether it's Oklahomans, businesses or health care providers, to join into a health care system, and that's in direct violation of the Oklahoma constitution. So we're going to challenge it on our own merits as Oklahoma.

Well we all know what happened yesterday don't we?  

That's right... good old Mary took a big bailout from the feds to pay for the health care service that she said was unfunded.  So now that it's funded... it isn't clear if she'll be continuing the lawsuit.  Or what's up with that....  

Thing about Mary.... she use to say that she focused like a laser on these issues but it's kinda hard to do that when you're a dim bulb.  Just sayin....

1 comment:

  1. Our State is suffering a huge budget shortfall and education among other programs will suffer. Why is Fallin wasting precious tax dollars suing the Federal Government? Isn't our Governor the epitome of hypocritical? P.S. Fallin and our elected state officials should be forced to buy their own Health Insurance policies in the open market place and out of their own paychecks.Let them walk a mile in our shoes.
