Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fallin to Cut Public Safety with Trooper Layoffs

With personnel costs making up 93 percent of its budget, the Public Safety Department would have no choice but to furlough and possibly lay off troopers if it receives additional budget cuts in the upcoming fiscal year
He's a cop so I guess she just hates the HiPoPersonnel makes up 93 percent of the budget because public safety is about having boots on the ground keeping law and order in our streets.  Can’t really do that with a reduction in people. 
No matter though, I’m sure in a state like Oklahoma we don’t have any chance of something bad happening, and even if it did happen I’m sure we wouldn’t need … say a Trooper to catch a criminal for it.  I mean that’s just nonsense.
In ad after ad during the 2010 campaign Fallin said she wanted “our children” to “stay here” to “find jobs” … just don’t apply for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol cause you’ll get laid off.

No word on if the cuts will require personal interviews from the Guv.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ethics? HA! We don't need no stinkin ethics!

Oklahoma still has on its books laws that ban corporations and labor unions from spending from their treasury funds. The court opinion means a corporation and labor union can independently spend whatever it wants on a campaign as long as it doesn’t coordinate the expenditures with a candidate or the candidate’s campaign.
Ethics Commission members urged legislators to pass a bill that would put the state in compliance with the ruling; a measure passed the House of Representatives but the Senate narrowly defeated it.
Marilyn Hughes, Ethics Commission executive director, said lawsuits have been filed against 19 states that are not in compliance. She said legal costs to defend Oklahoma could run as high as $250,000.
And we gotta be spending that money on our health care law suit!

Mary Fallin's War on Rural Oklahoma

Surprise surprise… The Tulsa World has a poll showing that Oklahomans think we have too many school districts.  In fact - people in Tulsa and Oklahoma City REALLY think that because they don’t see a problem with driving 15 minutes to pick up their kids.

Well guess what - rural Oklahoman’s know better.  When all a town has left is their schools - and the whole city shuts down on a Friday night to watch the kids play football then the impact of a school district being consolidated into one 30-50 miles away is huge.  City folks don’t get it, Fallin doesn’t get it - or she doesn’t care one, and republican power in Oklahoma comes from the suburbanites and the cities.

So guess what’s going to end up on the chopping block along with senior nutrition centers, conservation districts, rural fire departments, public safety, and the rest of the life blood to rural Oklahoma… that’s right… our schools.  Because, really, we don’t need to educate our kids - that’s what McDonnalds is for.

Heads up Rural Oklahoma - the war is coming and it’s not going to be Republicans vs. Democrats … it’s going to be Rural vs. Non-Rural … and you’re going to lose.
Don’t blame me - I voted for rural candidates.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

OK Weird Conservatives Driving Away Business

Sure is hard to bring business to Oklahoma when companies look at our state and go - THESE PEOPLE ARE NUTS!
During Monday’s inauguration, Governor Mary Fallin said her administration will be focused on creating jobs.

But could the stumbling block to this goal come from fellow Republicans?
Chamber President Roy Williams says businesses don’t want to risk angering their customers and employees by going to a hostile environment.

“Companies have told (Arizona business development officials) directly, they’ve canceled expansion plans of existing plans within Arizona,” Williams says. “We’ve also heard them tell us that site location consultants have been told by their clients to take Arizona off the list.”
Keep up the good work there Miss Mary.  We have faith you’ll figure it out some day.

Questionable Constitutionality of Fallin Appointee

She’s already hard at work OFFENDING the Constitution.  You go gurl.
“I think it’s wrong,” said Republican State Representative Mike Reynolds.

Reynolds also has concerns over the appointment of his fellow Republican.

He’s asked the state’s attorney general to look into the case.

“If someone offered me a job, I wouldn’t take it because I took an oath to defend the constitution,” said Reynolds. “In my reading of the constitution, it’s very plain language. You cannot take a job for two years after you leave office.”

The state constitution prohibits lawmakers from working for a state agency if their salary is authorized or appropriated by the state legislature.
Ok… so technically… she didn’t actually take the oath to defend the Constitution… Just sayin…

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mary Fallin to Offend the Constitution

Well if it’s not plagiarizing KOSU in your inaugural address - then it’s accidentally saying you plan to offend the Constitution rather than defend it. 
Mary Fallin was sworn in Monday as Oklahoma’s first female governor, but in reciting the oath of office she really didn’t promise to “support, obey and defend the Constitution.”

At an outdoors ceremony in bone-chilling and teeth-chattering cold, Fallin told Oklahoma Chief Justice Steven W. Taylor that she would “support, obey and offend” the U.S. and state constitutions.

“She dropped the ‘d’,” Fallin spokesman Alex Weintz said Wednesday. “I was amazed that anyone was able to speak at all or get any of their lines right considering how cold it was outside.” It was 29 degrees and light snow was falling when Fallin recited her oath of office on the steps of the state Capitol.”
What exactly does the TeaParty think of a Governor who won’t defend their own constitution?  I mean come on… Also can I just say Alex’s excuse of “it was too cold to say the letter ‘d” is simply ridiculous.

Calling Dr. Freud… emergency .. come right away!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gov’s Across US Forgo Balls to Save Money Not Mary Fallin

We here at FallinFail have been the harshest critics of newly elected Governor Mary Fallin for spending boocoos of bucks on a series of inaugural balls at a time when the state is in an economic crisis.
It seems the cost of balls at such a tough economic time hasn’t gone unnoticed by others.
“In California, faced with a $28 billion deficit, incoming Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown is foregoing festivities for frugality. After Brown takes the oath of office, he’ll host a reception for friends, family and supporters. There will be neither a ball nor a party.”
Guess that’s the difference between people who have taste and those who don’t.  Fear not - Florida’s new Governor-elect is spending $3million all raised in special interest money.
Has there been an independent media report about how much is being spent on Mary Fallin’s balls, where the money is coming from, and if those companies will also have close ties to the new Governor’s office?
Just Curious.