Surprise surprise… The Tulsa World has a poll showing that Oklahomans think we have too many school districts. In fact - people in Tulsa and Oklahoma City REALLY think that because they don’t see a problem with driving 15 minutes to pick up their kids.
Well guess what - rural Oklahoman’s know better. When all a town has left is their schools - and the whole city shuts down on a Friday night to watch the kids play football then the impact of a school district being consolidated into one 30-50 miles away is huge. City folks don’t get it, Fallin doesn’t get it - or she doesn’t care one, and republican power in Oklahoma comes from the suburbanites and the cities.
So guess what’s going to end up on the chopping block along with senior nutrition centers, conservation districts, rural fire departments, public safety, and the rest of the life blood to rural Oklahoma… that’s right… our schools. Because, really, we don’t need to educate our kids - that’s what McDonnalds is for.
Heads up Rural Oklahoma - the war is coming and it’s not going to be Republicans vs. Democrats … it’s going to be Rural vs. Non-Rural … and you’re going to lose.
Don’t blame me - I voted for rural candidates.
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